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February 27, 2023by Amir Dehbozorgi0

Crystals are solid materials that are characterized by their repeating atomic or molecular structure. They can form naturally within the Earth’s crust, or they can be synthesized in a laboratory setting.

One of the defining features of crystals is their geometric shape, which is determined by the arrangement of the atoms or molecules that make up the crystal lattice. Crystals can come in a wide variety of shapes, from simple cubes or spheres to complex, multi-faceted structures. Some common examples of crystals include quartz, diamond, and salt.

Crystals are known for their unique optical and electrical properties, which make them useful in a wide range of applications. For example, some crystals are piezoelectric, meaning that they can generate an electric charge when they are subjected to pressure or vibration. This property makes them useful in electronic devices like microphones and ultrasound machines.

Crystals are also used for their aesthetic properties, and they have been used for thousands of years as decorative objects and in jewelry. Some people believe that certain types of crystals have healing properties, and they use them in alternative medicine practices like crystal healing.

Overall, crystals are fascinating materials that have a wide range of practical and aesthetic uses. Their unique properties and beautiful shapes have made them objects of fascination for scientists, artists, and spiritual seekers alike.

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Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is a pink variety of quartz used for decoration and believed to have metaphysical properties related to love and emotional healing. It is found in various parts of the world. A stone of unconditional love, rose quartz works by opening your heart to all types of love, including self love, romantic love, love of the community, friends, family, and everything on Earth.
When you hold rose quartz stones while meditating or wear it as jewelry, it surrounds you with a sphere of love energy, which activates and balances the heart chakra. Love is the most powerful energy, which makes rose quartz one of the most beneficial stones for healing and flooding the body with positive energy.

Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is a quartz crystal ranging in color from light gray to deep brown, used for decoration and believed to have metaphysical properties related to grounding and protection. It’s found worldwide and formed through natural irradiation.
Smoky quartz is a grey, translucent variety of quartz. It helps you to keep your feet on the ground and remain balanced in any situation. Even the most spacy and scattered individuals can become fully functional and collected by wearing smoky quartz jewelry or carrying smoky quartz stones.
Wear a smoky quartz bracelet to stimulate and balance all your chakras, specifically focusing on cleansing the root chakra to ground you. It is grounding in a very uplifting way, providing a more subtle energy than other grounding gemstones like Hematite.

Orange Calcite
Orange calcite is an orange or reddish mineral used for decoration and believed to have metaphysical properties related to creativity and emotional healing. It’s found worldwide and formed through sedimentation or hydrothermal veins.
An Orange Calcite Stone is a strong sacral chakra stone that gets the positive energy moving, especially in the areas of creativity and sexuality. It has very strong energizing and cleansing properties, like all calcite. The orange calcite meaning is ideal for those who are looking for new and innovative ideas or solutions to ongoing problems. It gets the energy moving, encouraging you to look at things in a different light.
Orange Calcite stones encourage playfulness, lightheartedness and confidence. It is a catalyst for inspiration, sparking your creative fire. The orange calcite healing properties are powered by the Sun, and are very energizing and healing. An orange calcite stone is a wonderful healing stone for anyone trying to break out of old patterns or overcome shyness.

Mineral Fluorite
Fluorite is a colorful mineral used for decoration and industrial purposes. It fluoresces under ultraviolet light and is believed to have properties related to mental clarity. It is found in various parts of the world.
Wearing fluorite jewelry helps to neutralize and absorb any negative energy that come into your energy field—such as stress, negativity, anxiety and more. Think of a fluorite crystal as an energetic vacuum cleaner working to clean the energy of your mind, body and spirit. It is one of the best crystals to wear for energy cleansing, bringing you a constant flow of positive energy.
Fluorite jewelry is also wonderful to combine with your other crystal healing jewelry because fluorite crystals are said to magnify and amplify the power of any other gemstone that touches it.

Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium.
The use of Turquoise dates back to ancient times. In the ancient tombs of Egypt, queens have been found decked from head to toe in turquoise jewelry. It was considered the “Stone of Life and Protection,” Egyptians believing that burying their royalty in turquoise jewelry would keep their soul alive and protected after they left their body and continued to the after life.
Native Americans have also long worn turquoise bracelets and jewelry as a powerful healer and protector. Turquoise is also considered sacred in many Chinese cultures.

Natural Agate
Natural agate is a banded variety of quartz often used for decoration and believed to have metaphysical properties. It’s found in volcanic or sedimentary rocks worldwide.
Agate is one of the oldest healing stones in existence today. In ancient civilizations, it was used in the breastplates of armor to bring warriors strength and make them victorious in battle.  Agate jewelry is thought to be very protective and healing, making agate bracelets the perfect amulet or talisman. This gemstone is also said to bring you courage, emotional strength and self-confidence.

Titanium Quartz
Titanium quartz is a treated quartz crystal with iridescent colors used for decoration and believed to have metaphysical properties related to energy and vitality. It’s found worldwide and formed through vapor deposition.
Titanium is one of the strongest and most beautiful of all metals. As you can see the colors of this stone are just beautiful. With most crystals the vibrations do the healing. However, the healing properties are a little different with this crystal. Even though it shares the same properties as the Clear Quartz, it is the colors of this crystal that actually grant it enhanced healing powers.

Natural Mineral Stone

Natural mineral stones are diverse minerals found in nature, used for decoration, jewelry, and have metaphysical properties. They’re found worldwide and formed through various geological processes.
”Mineral” is not the first thing to come to mind when you hear the word “beauty,” and that‘s a pity because they look so, so pretty. This selection of some of the most beautiful minerals and stones in the world will be a feast for your eyes.
A mineral is a “naturally occurring substance that is solid and inorganic representable by a chemical formula, and has an ordered atomic structure.” Rocks, unlike minerals, don’t have a specific chemical composition, and can be made of both minerals or non-minerals. Although there are over 4,900 known types of minerals, the ones here are just the most beautiful ones that we and our readers could find.
Tumbled malachite is a polished green mineral used for decoration and believed to have metaphysical properties related to transformation and healing. It’s found worldwide and formed from the weathering of copper ores.
Malachite is the gemstone of transformation, working to clear and cleanse all the chakras. This crystal is especially beneficial for work with the heart chakra, as it radiates the “perfect energy pattern” for stimulating and balancing the heart chakra. Wearing malachite stone jewelry helps you to maintain emotional balance, reminding you to remain positive and optimistic. It carries a very inspiring, healing and purifying energy that has the ability to open your heart to attract all types of love.

Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake obsidian is a black volcanic glass with white or gray circular patterns resembling snowflakes. It is used for decoration and believed to have properties related to balance and inner reflection. It’s formed from cooling lava and found in various parts of the world.
Snowflake Obsidian is a powerful gemstone for eliminating all the negative and harmful energy in your body and in your environment. It acts sort of like an “energetic vacuum cleaner,” cleansing your energy field of disharmony, negative attachments and your own anger, greed, fear or resentment.
Wearing obsidian jewelry and bracelets is extremely grounding, as it stimulates the root chakra, deepening your connection to the Earth. Wearing an obsidian bracelet with other grounding gemstones, such as smoky quartz and hematite, will magnify its grounding power, balancing and cleansing your root chakra.

Agate From Morcinov
It is both a grounding and a spiritual stone, allowing for one to bring their spiritual experiences into their everyday reality.
Blue Lace Agate is a gentle gemstone of communication, calming, clarity and stress relief. It is connected with the throat and crown chakra, helping to bring feelings of tranquility and alleviate anger and tension.
When a blue lace agate bracelet touches your skin, its soothing and nurturing energies help to bring you peace of mind, relieving you of all your stress and worries. This gemstone is wonderful for those who have trouble expressing themselves, for fear of judgment from others.
Wearing a piece of blue lace agate jewelry everyday can help them speak their thoughts and diminish their fear of public speaking or peer judgment.

Aventurine is one of the most powerful gemstones for good luck, wealth and to manifest greater prosperity.
When you walk through a casino, you often will see many gamblers wearing green aventurine jewelry to increase their chances of winning.
Aventurine jewelry or crystals can help in situations where your actions or outcome is out of your control, making it the perfect gemstone to wear while gambling, betting or even on a first date.
An aventurine bracelet, such as our Wealth Bracelet, is one of the luckiest gemstone pieces you can wear and is thought to boost your chances in any situation.

White Quartz Crystal
Quartz encompasses a whole family of stones, found on nearly every continent, in virtually every color conceivable.
White Quartz crystal has long been the center of many spiritual beliefs and practices. The Japanese referred to quartz crystal as the “perfect jewel,” believing that it symbolized purity, perseverance and patience.
In several indigenous cultures based in North America and Burma, quartz crystals were believed to embody living entities and were presented with food and ritual offerings.

Cacoxenite is a mineral that is primarily composed of hydrated iron aluminum phosphate. It is typically found in igneous rocks and pegmatites, and it often occurs as an accessory mineral in association with other phosphates such as variscite, wavellite, and turquoise.
Cacoxenite is typically brown to yellow-brown in color and has a submetallic to resinous luster. It is relatively soft, with a hardness of 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale. Cacoxenite crystals are typically small and are often found as microcrystalline aggregates or botryoidal masses.
Cacoxenite has been found in many locations around the world, including Brazil, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Madagascar. It is often used as a minor ore of phosphorus and aluminum, and it is also used in the manufacture of ceramics and as a fertilizer.
In addition to its practical uses, cacoxenite is also of interest to collectors and enthusiasts due to its unique and striking appearance. It is sometimes used in jewelry and other decorative objects, and it is also sometimes used as a component in metaphysical and spiritual practices. Some people believe that cacoxenite has healing properties and can help to promote spiritual growth and inner peace.

Rhodochrosite is a popular gemstone that is prized for its vibrant pink to red color and attractive appearance. It is typically used in jewelry and other decorative objects, and it is a popular choice for collectors and enthusiasts.
Rhodochrosite gemstones are typically cut in a variety of shapes and sizes, including round, oval, pear, and emerald cut. The quality of the stone can vary widely, depending on factors such as color, clarity, and cut. High-quality rhodochrosite stones are relatively rare and can command high prices in the market.
The color of a rhodochrosite gemstone is determined by the presence of manganese ions in the mineral. The most prized stones are a deep, rich pink to red color, although lighter shades of pink and even yellow can also be found. Some stones may also exhibit banding or other patterns, which can add to their visual interest.
Rhodochrosite is often associated with the heart chakra and is believed to have a variety of healing and balancing properties.
Some people believe that rhodochrosite can help to promote emotional healing, reduce stress and anxiety, and encourage a positive outlook on life. It is said to be particularly useful for those who have experienced emotional trauma or who struggle with issues related to self-worth and self-esteem.
Rhodochrosite is also believed to have a strong connection to the element of water and is sometimes used in water-based rituals and ceremonies. It is said to help promote emotional healing and encourage the flow of positive energy.
In astrology, rhodochrosite is often associated with the zodiac sign of Leo. It is believed to help those born under this sign to tap into their creativity and self-expression, while also promoting feelings of joy, love, and happiness.

Que-Sera Stone
Que-Sera Stone, also known as “Llanite,” is a rare mineral that is found in the Llano Uplift region of central Texas in the United States. It is a combination of several different minerals, including quartz, feldspar, biotite, and iron.
Que-Sera Stone is believed to have a variety of powerful properties. It is said to have a high vibration and to be an excellent tool for meditation and spiritual growth. It is believed to help balance the chakras and to promote feelings of inner peace and harmony.
Que-Sera Stone is also said to have a strong connection to the element of fire and is believed to have the ability to cleanse and purify the aura. It is said to be useful for those who are seeking to release negative energies and to bring in positive, healing energy.
In astrology, Que-Sera Stone is often associated with the zodiac sign of Leo. It is said to help those born under this sign to tap into their creativity and to promote feelings of self-expression and confidence.

Purple Fluorite
Purple fluorite is a popular crystal that is known for its beautiful shades of purple and its powerful spiritual properties.
One of the primary spiritual properties of purple fluorite is its ability to help activate and balance the third eye chakra. This chakra is associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight, and purple fluorite is said to help open this chakra and enhance its abilities.
Purple fluorite is also said to have a strong connection to the element of air and to be useful for promoting mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It is believed to be an excellent stone for students, writers, and anyone who needs help staying focused and productive.
purple fluorite is often associated with the zodiac sign of Pisces. It is said to be useful for those born under this sign who are seeking to tap into their intuitive and creative abilities.

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