What Is Natal Astrology
An astrological birth chart also referred to as the “natal chart” uses the exact date, time, and location of your birth to re-create a snapshot of the sky at your precise moment of arrival. An astrology chart reading can reveal your strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities for soul growth, the best timing for your most important moves. An analysis of this chart, can provide deep insight into your personality, motivations, and desires.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist, widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest and most influential physicists of all time. Einstein is best known for developing the theory of relativity, but he also made important contributions to the development of the theory of quantum mechanics. His famous equation E=mc2 explains the energy released in an atomic bomb.
Albert Einstein Case Study
Einstein was an individual who was approximate a century ahead of his peers. Look at his ☉ in winter in a watery sign of .
His ☾, the owner of chart (⊖ in ).
Therefore, an important part of his traits is water/phlegm. Phlegm is an indicator on a sensitive individual. He was extremely sensitive and had a close relationship with his family (parents, sibling).
☿ the planet of speech, is entering in to ☌ with ♄. Therefore ☿ is not in a good position, and is an indication that he had problems with speech, and you witnessed what happened to him. He was not able to speak until the age of 4. In that time, they taught Greek and Latin at schools. He was never able to pick up these languages. In addition, he spent 22 years in America, and he was never able to speak confidently in English. How can we analyse his problems with speech from his chart?
1) ☿ is not in exact ☌
2) ♄ is the cause behind the barrier in speech
3) ♄ is malefic and ☿ is moving towards a complete ☌
Therefore, this problem will last his entire life. You are all aware that he always had problems with speech. All childhood he was not able to speak until a later age. As a young child he always struggled with languages. He always struggled with English until his death.
Now look at the time when ☿ passes ♄ and parts from him. i.e. when the ☌ no longer holds. ☿ is 1° before ♄ and based on the rules of orbs, he must pass ♄ by 8° until the ☌ ceases to exist. ☿ must travel 9°. At the time of his birth ☿ was travelling 2° per day. Therefore 9/2 = 4.5°, thus if we take a year of life for each progressed day, it will take 4.5 years, which is approximately when he started to speak.
His strong feelings and sensitive cause from planets of a watery nature. ☾ 14° , is not able to do much. in , is in detriment, therefore all the watery planets are very weak. Thus, don’t forget that is in H10 which is very good, but he was not an artist, but sometimes played the violin. Yet he was never happy with his own skills.
And ☉ a fiery planet, and a symbol of Sultan, king or leader and L2, which relates to wealth. He was not a Sultan/king, yet he had the option of becoming the 1st president of Israel, since he was
from Jewish decent. However, he did not accept.
His income was medium in nature, and the majority from his father (inheritance). Yet he received income from his teachings and the Nobel prize (Physics).
The other fiery planet is , in general fiery planets are a sign of creation. is in H7 in , the owner of which is ♄, and is the house of the partner. ♄ is a sign of old age. Einstein married twice, and both his wives were older than him. the minor malefic is in H7. The presence of a malefic planet in H7 is a sign for the death of the wife before him. With relation to Einstein, both his wives passed away before him.
♃ is the planet of great knowledge in the field of science is in H9, and currently in peregrine in . Yet it is the owner of H9 (L9), and doesn’t have far to go until entering , and will gain great inherent traits once it enters its own house. During his childhood he worked hard and at the age of 12 he was able to master Pythagoras and climbed step by step, until the end of his life.
The ⊖ and L1 ☾ are a sign of the body of a person. His ⊖ is 11° and ☾ 14° . Therefore, his temperament is Phlegmatic (water) and a little yellow bile (fire). His body is somewhat large, but not without figure (fat or unproportioned).
Fiery which is the strongest planet on the chart, which relates to invention and creation, is the lord part of H5, thus the ruler of invention and creation, as it has the largest part of (the sign of ).
Don’t forget that if the degrees of a given house is >25°, the sign of that house will always be the next or 2nd sign. Based on this rule in Einstein’s chart, H5 is not , but . Although H5 will have a little colour from.
is the sign of harmony, and its owner . The majorities of Einstein’s creation had traits. (Atomic Bomb). Thus, his theories whilst being extremely difficult, in understanding, he benefited from the beautiful face of . This means whilst it was difficult, in the easiest and beautiful way he explained his theories.
In his job, with attention to the 3 rules, his job is in H7. There are periods of work and unemployment. A medium job (neither good or bad). He had many different jobs. i.e. teacher in school, employee in patent office, teacher of university on Zurich, Prague, Berlin, Princeton, head of research at Kaiser Wilhelm institute in Germany etc. None of which satisfied him, as he always liked to understand the secrets of creation, and to work in this area.
Approximately at 5° is the start of H6 – illness, and its lord ♃, in H9 east of ☉. Each degree of zodiac is an important point.
is a planet of job, as it was in H7, and is also a sign of the wife. ☾ is in H6. Therefore, work and friction with wife in private leads to illness. What type of illness? ☾ a sign of the stomach in H6, is in danger of illness. ♃ is the sign of liver, since it is L6 and the “king” of ☾ (Lord) is in danger of illness.
the planet that causes injury is hot/dry, and the creator of inflammation. Therefore, inflammation or wound/ulcer in the stomach; or inflammation of liver (Hepatitis).
When will the illness occur?
- The planet of injury is east of the ☉, the illness will be in the 1st half of life. ♃ is also eastern
- and ♃ are both in the 2nd half of the chart, in H7 and H9
- The illness will be in the end (or 2nd half) of the first ½ of life
If you progress the chart 1 day for each year of life, in approximately 37 and 38 years of age, you will see that ☾ (stomach) is ☌ with , the symbol of women, and after that take it forward until it is ☌ with the ☉. And ♃ (liver) is on the degree of (Contra Antiscia) with ☿, until it reaches the point that ☿ king of , and is the sign of digestive system.
♄ and are two planets that cause illness in horoscope. Currently is in which is positive. However, in H7, in ☍ with ⊖, in some ways will cause injury, in the form of accidental dignity. Thus, an illness caused by the individual themselves.
♄ is in fall, which causes negative essential dignity traits, and is hidden under the influence of the ☉, and in H10 has great accidental dignity strength. It is □ the ⊖. It is 4° , and it is approximately
in (contra antiscia) with ☉. This means that ♄ is in ☍ with☉, in private/secret.
♄ the planet that causes injury, and is in the west of the sun. therefore, the illness will show itself in the 2nd half of life. Since the injury is caused by an ☍, and the ☍ of ☉ is H4, and H4 is the house
of future, grave and end, this illness will present itself at the end of life. ☉ is the sign of heart and artery, and the sign of stomach. The artery will be injured in the stomach.
Once in 1948 due to this illness he had an operation. Another time in 1955 this illness flared up, which caused his death. If you progress his chart to his death, you will see ♄ the planet of death, is 12° , and it is in □ the ⊖.
the planet of tearing and ripping apart, is in 22° , and is combust by the ☉, the sign of heat and arteries, until it reaches a full ☌. Be aware that the reason for his death was the tearing of the stomach artery.
☾ L1 and lord of chart, is in 13° , which is in H4, the house of grave. The ☊ is in ☌ with natal .
- Date:
- 04th May 2020
- Author:
- Amir Dehbozorgi
- Topic:
- Natal Astrology Case